The Secret Place

Jul 8, 2018    Pastor Scott Shepherd    Matthew 6:16-21, Isaiah 58:1-11, Fasting, Love for each other

Fasting is merely an extension of prayer. If we “fast” without prayer and seeking the face of God, we are really just going without food. Fasting denies ourselves the essential nutrients for life in favor of becoming more intimate with the Father.

Maybe think of it this way. It is giving up something good to have something better. Food is a wonderful gift from God. I can think of some foods right off the top of my head that even thinking about eating them start to make me happier. Steak, Pizza, fried chicken, burgers... right? Fasting, though, is taking that enjoyment, that time of physical refreshing, and instead saying “I want to be with the Lord more than I want that”. Whatever “that” is for you. This is what Job said: "I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food". (Job 23:12) When we give up the most basic of necessities to draw closer to Him, there can be no greater denial of self.