The Road to Recovery

Apr 7, 2019    Pastor Scott Shepherd    Mark 14:38

The Road to Recovery is jagged. It’s two steps forward, one step back. It isn’t all easy. You have problems, you fall back into self-defeating patterns. That’s called relapse. The alcoholic goes back to drinking. The overeater gains the weight back. The gambler goes back to the casino. The workaholic fills up his schedule again. We tend to repeat the patterns of our past. It’s very easy to slip back. It’s easy to slip back into old hurts, old habits, and old hang-ups.

We will look at what causes a relapse and then the maintenance step, which is Step 7 on the Road to Recovery, on how to avoid a relapse. Then we will briefly end our time by talking about Step 8 “Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others by both my example and my words".