
Mar 7, 2021    Pastor Scott Shepherd

The world is becoming increasingly hostile towards Christians. In turn, it seems, that Christians are getting increasingly adversarial toward unbelievers. The more judgmental we are, the harder it is to do the job of bringing the good news of Jesus to the lost. The more we judge the "outsider" the more we make it so they don't want to hear what we have to say.

We shouldn't be willing to trade true conversion of a soul for the forced adherence to a moral standard we believe in. It's cheap and in the end doesn't help those around us. It is not about making us feel comfortable. It is about real transformation. A world that lives by a moral code but doesn't have Jesus is just as bad as a world living openly sinful. They both end the same, people not having faith in Jesus.

We need to make our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority the gospel of Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less.