Faith in Action

Oct 7, 2018    Pastor Scott Shepherd    James 1:9-11, Ecclesiastes 5, 1 Timothy 6

Faith doesn't trust or look to the material status as the measure of what is successful or good. The poor and the rich are the same in Christ. The poor and rich alike no longer count their earthly status as definition of who they are.

This life will pass away and the end of the rich will be the same as the poor. (Ecclesiastes 9:2) If the rich is made low, he no longer trusts in his riches. He will use his resources for the glory of God, but if he maintains his identity by his wealth, not only will his riches fade away, but he will also.

When you have lots of things, it is easy to trust in those things rather than God. Often the poor have nothing to lean on except God, so that obstacle is out of the way, but if we become discontented we can begin to chase something other than God.