Chapter Two - The Christian Spirit

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FCS1-2-01: God is a spirit

God (the Lord) is the supreme divinity that always was and will always be.
"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." John 4:24

FCS1-2-02: The father is author and creator of all 

Manifestations may be seen, heard, and felt with carnal senses such as sight, sound and touch. God used these types of manifestations to relate to mankind in these ways so that they may better understand Him. This study will only reference a few of the many manifestations and attributes of God.

FCS1-2-03: manifest within the flesh sacrifice

The flesh of Jesus is that holy thing born of Mary, but the Spirit within Him was the manifestation of the God. Jesus, the Son of God, knew what He was and even whose he was. The author of that life was the Holy Ghost - the Spirit of God. 

FCS1-2-04: The Holy Ghost (Spirit)

The evidence of the indwelling of Holy Spirit is in a Christian's life is a testimony from God. Their testimony is proof that the Holy Ghost is alive in their life.

FCS1-2-05: Indwelling and Sanctification

When a person obeys the Word of God in water baptism in Jesus' name, they receive an internal dwelling of Gods Spirit. Through baptism (being born of water and Spirit), God places the spirit of Christ into their lives, to indwell and to sanctify (to make Holy) them. 

FCS1-2-06: Power of the Holy Spirit

The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead bears witness within His people. This Spirit of God will always bear witness to and never contradict His Word. 

FCS1-2-07: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In God's grace there are many wonderful gifts that He bestows unto His people. The promise of Gods Spirit abiding within His people is a gift of great comfort. This gift of His Spirit is given to each of His people when they become sanctified (born again).

FCS1-2-08: Led and used by the Holy Spirit

Gods Holy Spirit within his people will guide and direct them to accomplish His will. through conviction, God's people are a living example of Christ. Gods Word and Spirit lead His people in righteousness because right and wrong are now easily understood within them.

FCS1-2-09: God wants us to bear fruits

The result of the Holy Spirit being within a persons life is the evidence (or testimony) of spiritual fruit and knowing that only the Holy Spirit can bear them. 

FCS1-2-10: Fruit of love

What God inspires within the Christian, which is an indicator to the disposition of the soul (love, joy and peace);
Jesus taught that love (charity) is the greatest of all commandments.

FCS1-2-11: fruit of joy

What God inspires within the Christian and an indicator to the disposition of the soul (love, joy and peace).
Joy is a fruit of great power. A Christian has joy to stand before God in peace by the Lord Jesus Christ.

FCS1-2-12: Fruit of peace

What God inspires within the Christian, which is an indicator to the disposition of the soul (love, joy and peace);
The peace that the believer has is between God and themselves. The trial and temptation is between the Devil and the lusts of their flesh.

FCS1-2-13: Fruit of longsuffering

What God uses to witness through the Christian testimony and the most effective attributes in sharing the Gospel (Long-suffering, gentleness and goodness).
They must maintain their spiritual patience as they reprove and exhort others that do not yet comprehend sound doctrine as they do.

FCS1-2-14: fruit of gentleness

What God uses to witness through the Christian testimony and the some of the most effective attributes in sharing the Gospel (Long-suffering, gentleness and goodness).
As gentle and as patient God was with us in the beginning, we also should be towards those our testimony reaches.

FCS1-2-15: fruit of goodness

What God uses to witness through the Christian testimony and some of the most effective attributes in sharing the Gospel (Long-suffering, gentleness and goodness).
Goodness (spiritual virtue) is easily seen in this dark and sinful world. God shines through this testimony to reconcile the world back unto Himself.

FCS1-2-16: Fruit of faith

What the Christian personally requires to be active internally to maintain their walk with God (faith, meekness and temperance).
Faith as a fruit of the Spirit may be understood as having a personal loyalty (fidelity) toward God, especially during trials and temptations.

FCS1-2-17: fruit of meekness

What the Christian personally requires to be active internally to maintain their walk with God (faith, meekness and temperance).
A person develops meekness through self-control in not disputing or fighting conviction from God. It is an acceptance of Gods will without hesitation or the addition of fleshly emotions.

FCS1-2-18: fruit of temperance

What the Christian personally requires to be active in their lives to maintain their walk with God (faith, meekness and temperance).
Temperance is the joyful controlling of ones self by a conscious yielding of the flesh to the Spirit of God.

FCS1-1-CT: Chapter Test

For those seeking certification of completion for advancement in ministry, and have been told that they a required to successfully complete this chapter, this test is for you.