Chapter Three - The Christian Church

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FCS1-3-01: The body of christ - the church

Jesus is building His assembly (body) of followers, purchased with His own blood sacrifice. This assembly is collectively called 'The Church'.

FCS1-3-02: the congregation

When referring to an individual assembly within Christianity, that assembly in that location is referred to as a congregation or assembly of believers.

FCS1-1-03: the effectual operation of the body of christ

The Body of Christ has an internal working system that is designed for the perfecting, administrating and edifying. 

FCS1-3-04: introduction to discipleship

The Body of Christ has an inner-working of the gifts and offices of the Pastors (Elders) and the Teachers.  The ministry of new believers is what we refer to as the process of discipleship.

FCS1-3-05: Discipleship

A person that wishes to be more effective at a particular part of ministry, seeks out a person that they perceived to be more experienced and well-disciplined and requests that person to mentor (guide) them within their ministry growth.

FCS1-3-06: the office of elders and deacons

Within the Elder/Deacon/Disciple relationship, the Elder is responsible to watch and tend (pastor) over the soul of the disciple while the Deacon work with the Elders and disciples (parishioners) to facilitate growing spiritual ministry. 

FCS1-3-07: leadership responsibility and accountability

Though leaders are over the working of the church in responsibility and office, they are servants to each member of the Body and accountable to it -and ultimately unto Christ.

FCS1-3-08: Congregational responsibility and accountability

Disciples, as servants of Christ, are subject to and accountable to their leadership for growth and effective ministry.  All members of the Body of Christ are subject one to another.

FCS1-3-09: our fellowship with God

When a person has the Holy Spirit alive in their life, they are completely in-joined into a life-partnership with it.

FCS1-3-10: christians in fellowship

Within the fellowship, God supplies spiritual abilities to meet its administrative and spiritual needs.  Every part of this ministry has a purpose -the edifying of each person within it.

FCS1-3-11: spiritual support

Fellowship is vital to support and equip Christians to encourage each other by supplying spiritual and natural needs.

FCS1-3-12: Friends in the world

A Christian must understand the difference of fellowship and friendship. In fellowship, a person is a co-participant of the things that they have in common together; while in friendship, a person may not be partaking with another's life.

FCS1-3-13: separate from the world of darkness

As a Christian, while being led to share the Gospel with the lost, they never participate with their works of darkness.  A person can effectively share the Gospel with those that are lost (without Christ), without sharing in their ungodly works.

FCS1-3-14: what is prayer?

Prayer is a reverent communication to God.  Prayer is the manner and method in which we communicate with God.  It is through prayer that we connect our souls with God.

FCS1-3-15: types of prayers

Prayer connects us to God in a spiritual way. Prayer includes: worship, praise, confession, thanksgiving, petition, supplication and intercession.

FCS1-3-16: effects of prayer

God hears all prayers and answers them according to His will for our lives.  We pray to God in faith, knowing that He will answer our prayers according to what is spiritually best for us.

FCS1-3-17: how to pray

The Scriptures example and admonish us regarding our prayers to God.  Spiritually speaking, God honors the position of our hearts over the position of our bodies.

FCS1-3-18: God's answer to our prayers

Prayer is not just a person telling God what they want.  If a person asks God for an answer to a question, they need to be listening for His answer and be willing to accept it.

FCS1-3-19: continual prayer

Prayer is our communication with God. We are to pray on all occasions, with all types of prayers and requests. Â Praying for all people, loved ones, enemies and for those who have offended us.  By continuously speaking and listening to God, we are able to stay in the center of His will for our lives.

FCS1-3-20: what is praise and worship?

When a person's life is holy and acceptable to God, their prayers, praise and worship are shared in the presence of God's Holy Spirit. God receives the sincere praises of those that worship Him, whether alone or in a group.

FCS1-3-21: personal praise and worship

God wants praise and worship from His children; at any time.  He receives the sincere praises of those that worship Him, whether they are alone, or in a group. 

FCS1-3-22: group praise and worship

In a more local and physical sense, the church is a gathering of two or more people that are gathered together in the name of Christ, and worship God together.  This church may be of any location as well as a in building set for the purpose of gathering and worship.

FCS1-3-23: musical praise and worship

Music, whether by instruments only or with singing, is played and sung as a form of praise to God.  Music may enhance the worship experience by focusing people's thoughts and hearts with their lyrics and rhythm.  Music also (chosen carefully) may assist in the emotional yielding of one's heart to be more open to the Word of God within a sermon. 

FCS1-1-CT: Chapter Test

For those seeking certification of completion for advancement in ministry, and have been told that they a required to successfully complete this chapter, this test is for you.