Chapter One - The Christian Faith

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FCS1-1-01: The Good News Of Jesus Christ
- The Gospel

The word gospel as a noun means 'a good message'.  When used as a verb it means 'to announce good news.'  So the gospel of Jesus Christ is the good message of Jesus Christ. When one shares the gospel, they are announcing the good news of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

FCS1-1-02: Fall of mankind into sin

Adam and Eve sinned against the commandment of God at the very beginning in the Garden of Eden.  God's penalty was to drive them from the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life and living forever with sin.

FCS1-1-03: Redemption of Mankind from sin

Mankind has been held captive by sin ever since the fall.  The power of sin over people's lives is now broken by the power of the blood of Christ.  We are 'dead to sin' because we are 'alive in Christ.'

FCS1-1-04: Belief and Faith in Jesus Christ

Salvation is through Jesus Christ - The Son of God.  Without belief in the Son of God, a person would still be subject to sin's reign over their life.  For a person to be freed from this, they must first believe (commit and trust in) in Jesus.

FCS1-1-05: Confession of faith in jesus christ

Romans 10:9 describes a two part action on the part of the person seeking salvation: one is acknowledging Jesus as Lord, and the second part requires a person to believe (committed trust) in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.

FCS1-1-06: The saving grace of god

As the love of a father and mother is so deep (either one would instantly sacrifice their life for their child), God loves mankind more.  Every good favor and gift given of the Heavenly Father to His children is given in abundance, even though the children can do nothing to deserve it.

FCS1-1-07: all mankind needs the grace of god

We, as humans, need God's grace in our lives to be saved from His wrath.   Just as God has given grace to us, we need to extend His grace through our lives to each other.   It is by God's grace that we can love one another.

FCS1-1-08: Repentance for mankind

In the Old Testament, salvation and eternal life were considered for the Jews only.  In the New Testament, the salvation gift has been extended toward all mankind.

FCS1-1-09: remission of sin

When a person has the blood of Christ applied to their life, they receive remission of all their sins. The blood that was shed at the sacrifice of Christ atones for and erases every prior sin within their life. 

FCS1-1-10: Forgiveness of sin

After salvation, as new creatures, they may approach Jesus anytime to receive forgiveness of the sins they have since committed, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

FCS1-1-11: faith compels good works

Faith motivates a person to action through desire, conviction and spiritual leading.  Their faith is motivating actions from within them, becomes evident by their actions.

FCS1-1-12: Faith and works

The works of godly faith promote actions that not only glorify God, they also bear spiritual fruit.

FCS1-1-13: Testimony of good works

It is through the good works of faith that unbelieving people can see God in this world.  Therefore, all should take heed of their actions and reactions in this life: lost souls may be judging the God we serve by how we serve Him.

FCS1-1-14: baptism - the application of christ jesus

After Christ's death on the cross, He was buried, and three days later, He rose again from the dead.  Jesus' shed blood, death, burial and resurrection are quickened (made alive) within our lives when we are baptized into Him (Colossians 2:8-15)

FCS1-1-15: Newness of life in christ jesus

When a person is a partaker of salvation, a new way of life is born within them.  They are no longer partaking in the sinful ways of their old life old man prior to their salvation; they live a life of ministry and righteousness before God.

FCS1-1-16: day of judgement

There is coming a day when all mankind throughout the generations will give account to God for all things they did in their lives.  This notable day has been called 'Judgment Day' or 'Day of Judgment' in the scriptures.  This judgment will be final and without appeal.

FCS1-1-17: Personal judgement

This judgment will be very personal. Everyone will give account of themselves for the deeds recorded during their life.  God's people, who live every day in His Word, have His judgment alive in their lives, ministering to their hearts and conscience with Godly conviction

FCS1-1-18: Is Salvation eternal

"As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.   3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." - John 17:2-3

FCS1-1-19: Eternal life is a gift

 It is a wonderful gift from God that He gave His Son Jesus to be the way unto eternal life for all mankind.  Not only does Jesus bless mankind by bringing them back to God; He gave Christians a personal ministry to draw those that are lost unto eternal life also.

FCS1-1-20: Eternal life is in jesus christ

Christ Jesus, the perfect sacrifice to remit sin, also becomes our Lord and Savior.   Our faith in Him transforms us from a sinful death unto an eternal life.   Mankind can look nowhere else for salvation that is eternal. This is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

FCS1-1-CT: Chapter Test

For those seeking certification of completion for advancement in ministry, and have been told that they a required to successfully complete this chapter, this test is for you.