Chapter Four - The Christian Walk

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FCS1-4-01: What is the bible?

The Bible is an account of God's action in the world and his purpose for all creation.  It is the representation of God's Word that bears record in Heaven given to mankind.  The Holy Spirit of God makes the words of the Bible become alive and guides the soul in all things divine.

FCS1-4-02: where did the Bible come from?

The Bible came from a variety of sources consisting of historical documents and letters which were written from leaders and church elders.  As God's Spirit moved on these authors of the Bible, they recorded these messages that later became the Canon of 66 books and letters we call the Bible.

FCS1-4-03: purpose of the Bible

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Psalm 119:105  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

FCS1-4-04: the authority of god's word

The Word of God (or the Bible) is anointed by God's Spirit. It is the power to provide instructions for belief and proper behavior. Though God used man to write His words down, man didn't decide what to write, God inspired His words within them. As a result, Christians acknowledge the scriptures as the authoritative Word of God.

FCS1-4-05: how to read and study the Bible

 In addition to just reading the Bible, we need to listen to the spirit of God through its teachings.  There is a power in our prayers when we ask God to help us understand His teachings as we read His Word.

FCS1-4-06: What is holiness?

A person is made holy by applying Christ unto their lives.  A new life is raised unto a consecrated lifestyle transformed by a spiritual mind, sanctified in the Holy Ghost, and judged by the Word of God.

FCS1-4-07: living holy

Holiness is more than keeping oneself from sin; it is first being made holy by Christ, then living a holy lifestyle.  For a person to maintain holiness in this life, a person must live and walk in the Holy Spirit.

FCS1-4-08: Christian testimony

When a person looks closely at the life of a Christian, they should find hope and a newness of life.  God has called the Christian to be a testimony of His purpose and a testimony of His grace.

FCS1-4-09: a life that preaches

God has chosen to spread the good news of eternal life by the testimony given by His people. When a person lives of what they preach, then that person has a good testimony

FCS1-4-10: the good fight of faith

Every Christian experiences a fight of faith.  This fight is a spiritual war that the Christian has already won.  The purpose of this war is to have eternal life in Christ.  The Devil continually attempts to gain access to the soul through the battles of the mind. 

FCS1-4-11: Warriors in god's armor

God has provided His people with an armor that the Devil may not penetrate or break.  As long as the Christian keeps God's armor strong in the Spirit, they will never fall to the Devil or His attacks.

FCS1-4-12: the loins in god's armor

2 Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-4  For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:  4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour;  

FCS1-4-13: The breastplate in god's armor

The breastplate is as solid as the righteousness of the person wearing it.
Isaiah 54:17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

FCS1-4-14: the feet shod in god's armor

When a person is standing against the wiles of the Devil with their stance firmly resolved in Christ, there is nothing from hell that will be able to move them from their steadfastness in Christ.
1 Corinthians 16:13  Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

FCS1-4-15: the shield in god's armor

 If a person starts to doubt the ability of God to save their souls, or they start to listen to their flesh regarding salvation, they will have the power to their shield diminished.  That is why the Devil is tireless in telling people that they are not saved; He is trying to weaken their shield of faith that He may break through to the heart.

FCS1-4-16: the helmet in god's armor

The helmet of salvation is in keeping a spiritually sound mind.  Romans 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

FCS1-4-17: the sword in god's armor

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.  It is alive and powerful.  It is able to identify and separate any spirit from one's soul because it understands the difference between thoughts and intents from the heart.

FCS1-4-18: watch and pray within god's armor

The warfare of the Christian is a continuous battle that will occur until Jesus comes again or we go in peace to our rest.  God is greater than every battle; knowing Jesus conquered death to bring the faithful unto eternal life. Pray to an unbeatable God!

FCS1-4-19: the victorious christian within god's armor 

It also takes the whole armor of God to protect one's self from evil and remain unspotted from the world as well as fight for the souls of the lost. This is the testimony of a victorious Christian within the Armor of God.

FCS1-4-20: god is well able

God is well able to redeem mankind unto Himself by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ.  God's love for mankind is clearly seen in the sacrifice of Christ.  All those that come and abide in Jesus, shall have eternal life.

FCS1-4-21: the covenant

The scripture is clear that God will do (already has) His part of the covenant.  It is now a matter of faith for each person.  The promise is through faith in Christ.  These are the two sides of the covenant of Grace.

FCS1-4-22: the choice

God has given every person the power of will and choice.  A person has the ability to decide on their own what they will choose to believe about Christ Jesus.  Every day, the Christian makes a choice to walk in the faith of Christ, or by default they choose not to.

FCS1-4-23: tithes

Simply stated, giving a Tithe is giving back (returning) a tenth part of whatever God has prospered.  This portion given back to God is for the spiritual blessing of the giver and for the operation of the ministry.

FCS1-4-24: alms

The giving of Alms is different and apart from the giving of tithes.  This giving is a sacrifice based on compassion and a tender kindness.  It is recognizing a need and having the ability to bless those less fortunate that are not able to meet their needs themselves.

FCS1-4-25: offerings

This giving is toward a special need.  An offering is different and apart from the giving of tithes.  It is a contribution for a special purpose or need within the church.

FCS1-4-26: a life of stewardship

To make God's ministry a blessing to all, God gives each person abilities and a certain anointing.  Stewardship is the administration of the gifts, abilities and resources that God gives to His people for the ministry of the Gospel.

FCS1-4-CT: Chapter Test
