Chapter Five - The Christian Landmarks:
Section 2 - The Covenants of God with Mankind

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FBB1-5-2-00 Introduction to Biblical covenants

There are mainly two types of covenants described in the Old Testament: Covenant of Promise (Grant) and a Covenant of Law (a Suzerain-vassel or Treaty).

FBB1-5-2-01 Covenant with Noah

God has always sought a communion between His Spirit and the heart of Man.   
From the time of creation, there were generations of Man that became a wickedness in the earth.   Yet Noah was a man whose heart found grace in the eyes of God.

FBB1-5-2-02 covenant with Abram

God desired to coven a promised land as a possession to His chosen people if they would have God as their Lord.  This covenant was between God and Abram (Abraham) and to his seed after him.  This covenant also had a token as did the covenant with Noah and all flesh; the token was in the flesh of man, specifically circumcision. 

FBB1-5-2-03 covenant with moses

When it was time for the Children of Abraham to receive their promised land, their hearts were evil and far from the Lord.   God was to bring this promise through the man Moses.   He would give certain commandments for His people to keep that would guide them to keeping His covenant through living with Him as their LORD. 

FBB1-5-2-04 Covenant with David

The Davidic Covenant provides hope in the promises of God to God’s chosen people.  In this hope, the chosen - called the children of David - seek a light, a kingdom, a throne and a Messiah (of the seed of David) that will bring this covenant to pass. 

FBB1-5-2-05 The New covenant of the Holy Ghost

The New Covenant is of great significance regarding the Gospel salvation that Christ brought to all mankind.   In this covenant, God promised to put the law in the hearts of mankind as a whole.   There would no longer be required a teacher for people to know and understand the laws of God, all would be taught by God directly. 

FBB1-5-2-06 The New covenant - Prophecies

The foretelling of God pouring out His Spirit through His upcoming covenant.

FBB1-5-2-07 The New covenant - Parakletos

Before this new covenant could come to pass, the older covenant of the Law of Moses had to be fulfilled in its entirety, until Shiloh (Messiah) come. The Parakletos (par-ak-le-tos) came as a counselor, teacher and closest friend.

FBB1-5-2-08 The new covenant - Inward Parts

God provides them spiritual spark of initiation to which, if a person notices and pursues, they will come into a relationship with Him that is spiritual and eternal.   The Lord would not respond to some because they refused His counsel and reproof within their hearts. 

FBB1-5-2-09 the new covenant - Written in Thier Hearts

God directly influences the heart through convictions.   The tables of one’s heart bear record of the engrafted Word of God within their hearts.   When conviction of heart is in harmony with the engrafted (applied) word, there is spiritual direction and purpose of the eternal soul.

FBB1-5-2-10 the  new covenant -  God and His People

God saw that His creation (that was created in His image) no longer had a spiritual bonding as it had in the garden.   This grieved God to point that He committed to destroying His creation.   In the heart of God, the creation of man and beast went from “very good” to Him repenting that He created them.   
Yet, God still wanted to have a relationship with mankind.   There would be a certain time in the future where God would reconcile the heart-relationship.

FBB1-5-2-11 the new covenant - Witnessed in the Jewish Perspective

To obtain the Jewish perspective, the Gentile reader needs to see through the lens of a devout Pentateuch (first five books of Moses) and Old Testament prophecy believing, Psalm & Proverb living - son of David. The thinking is that righteousness only comes through the Law of Moses and the covenant through the circumcision of the flesh, and that all Gentiles are sinners and need to be avoided. 

FBB1-5-2-12 The new covenant -  Witnessed in the Gentile Perspective

To obtain the Gentile perspective, the Jewish reader needs to see through the lens of a devout Pentateuch (first five books of Moses) and Old Testament prophecy believing, Psalm & Proverb living; Jesus following, Apostle building and grafted in wild olive branch person that is saved by the grace of God through faith like unto faithful Abraham.   Joint heirs of the promise given to Abraham by the foreknowledge of God.